privacy policy
When you visit you accept our terms of use. To be able to shop sarandjules items we need to collect some personal information from you at check out — the information needed is for example your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
We will never share your information with any third parties — except for when it is absolutely necessary in conjunction with an order fulfillment process.
As is a webshop created through, the cookies Squarespace uses also collects some information from you. Squarespace uses some necessary cookies because they allow visitors to navigate and use key features on our site — which is important to be able to provide you with the best user experience possible. Read more about Squarespace and cookies here.
Payment providers — used in the checkout and payment process — will also collect necessary information from you.
As our store is connected to our Instagram and Facebook accounts, cookies from these providers may apply as well. Read about cookies on Instagram & Facebook.
Always know that you are in control of the information you provide us at We store your information to be able to contact you if needed, and we may use your information for marketing purposes. If you at any given time want us to delete your information, we are obligated to do so within 30 days.
Let us know if you have any questions at
xx sarandjules
Read more in our terms of Service and in our return policy.